1924年的全国主教会议与公教对华夏文化的评价 【


The National Council of 1924 and the Catholic View of Chinese Culture

Author: Leopold LEEB, Renmin University of China


Throughout the centuries, the Catholic Church in China had tried to adapt the expressions of the faith to the Chinese language and culture. These efforts have been called “inculturation”, “adaptation”, “accommodation”, “indigenization” etc. The National Council (a meeting of bishops), which was held in Shanghai in 1924, passed many stipulations concerning the “inculturation”of the Catholic Church in China. The present article translates and analyzes the original Latin resolutions of the council that dealt with the use of the native language, customs, music, dress, and architecture in the Catholic Church in China. The council basically adopted a fair and balanced attitude towards Chinese traditions, emphasizing that the Chinese clergy should be respected and that foreigners should be prudent and cautious when criticizing Chinese customs or Chinese society.


Catholic Church in China; Inculturation; Costantini

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