神圣与日常 ——国际比较文学协会第二十二届大会“比较文 学与宗教研究”圆桌论坛综述


The Sacred and the Everyday: A Review of the “Comparative Literature and Religious Studies” Roundtable of the XXII Congress of ICLA

Author: ZHAO Jing, Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China.


The “Comparative Literature and Religious Studies” Roundtable of the 22nd Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) was held at the University of Saint Joseph, Macau, China, from July 30-31 2019, under the theme “the Sacred and the Everyday.” 23 scholars from various universities and institutions in Austria, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China, the UK and the US were invited to present papers. During the two-day meeting at the historic Seminário de São José, a range of issues were discussed by participants, from the sacred and the profane to everydayness, postmodernity, ritual studies, Confucian-Christian dialogue, Sinology and English and European literature. This review outlines the papers presented at the Roundtable and their major findings.


sacred, everyday, literature, theology, ritual

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