裸体与动物生命 ——从德里达到阿甘本


作者简介 庞红蕊,河北师范大学文学院副教授。

Author: PANG Hongrui, Associate Professor, Literature Department, Hebei Normal University. 

Email: panghongrui@126.com

Abstract: While Derrida and Agamben’s philosophical perspectives may differ significantly, they converge on the themes of nudity and animal life, while also critiquing the tendency of Western discourse to separate humans from animals. This paper conducts a comparative analysis of their respective ideas, aiming to uncover both the commonalities and distinctions in their thought. In each, “naked consciousness” emerges as a violent construct that perpetuates the division between humans and animals. The question then arises: How can we reshape the relationship between these two realms? Derrida delves into theological origins, interpreting God’s “in order to see” as a means to uncover its ethical potential. In contrast, Agamben presents “Messianic life” as a potent form of resistance, representing a Sabbathlike existence where all distinctions are suspended, and life takes on new purpose. While Derrida’s exploration primarily emphasizes the ethical dimension, Agamben’s inquiry is centered on the political dimension. By connecting these seemingly disparate modes of thinking, we may deepen our understanding of the shared concerns within contemporary continental philosophy. 

Keywords: Nudity, Animal Life, Carno-phallogocentrisme, Dispositif, Messiah

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