Jürgen Moltmann’s Impressive Theology of the Cross: and A Necessary Addition


Author: Michael WELKER, Senior Professor, University of Heidelberg; Founding Director, Research Center for International and Interdisciplinary Theology (FIIT).


The article traces the development of Jürgen Moltmann’s theology of the Cross in his works The Crucified God and Theology of Hope. Following and confronting Luther, Hegel and Bonhoeffer, Moltmann emphasizes the multidimensionality of the suffering and work of the crucified. Jesus dies as the blasphemer in conflict with the Jewish religion, as the rebel in conflict with Roman violence, and as the God-forsaken in tension with God the Creator and Father. The paper further emphasizes the multidimensional revelatory power of the Cross in view of the concentrated corruption of world power politics, religion, law, and public morality and opinion. The triune God suffers from the world’s resistance to his presence. With the inconspicuous power of the resurrection and in the work of his Spirit of justice, freedom, truth, peace and philanthropy, God judges and saves the lost world.


Moltmann, Theology of the Cross, the multidimensional revelatory power of the Cross, Suffering of God, the Resurrection and God’s Spirit

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