Identity Construction, Missionary Practice, Knowledge Transfer: Karl Gützlaff’s Individual Path of Qiao-Yi and the Qiao-Yi of Global Knowledge


Author: WEN Xin, Associate Professor, School of European Studies, Xi’an International Studies University; Adjunct Researcher of Translation and Intercultural Research Institute, XISU.


Karl F. A. Gützlaff (1803-1851) was a complex and notewor-thy figure in the spread of Christianity in China and Sino-Western relations in the 19th century. Based on the Qiao-Yi theory, this paper expounds on Gützlaff's individual Qiao-Yi path and the Qiao-Yi of global knowledge, providing a possible case study paradigm for the interaction between modern missionaries and the history of global knowledge. The author tries to present a multi-level analysis of Qiao-Yi and its theoretical significance in this comparison and dialogue. By looking into the account of Gützlaff's life, missionary career, and writing, it is clear that Gützlaff constructed multiple identities as a missionary, doctor, businessman, imperialist, and cultural mediator. From the perspective of Qiao-Yi in the history of translation, knowledge, and thought, Gützlaff’s “Kiao-Blend” on Christian culture, new Western knowledge, and traditional Chinese culture objectively facilitated the transfer and circulation of knowledge and culture between East and West, offering the individual and historical experience of knowledge transfer, cultural interaction, and creative knowledge Qiao-Yi for the formation and development of the global knowledge system in the 19th century.


Gützlaff, individual Path of Qiao-Yi, Identity Construction, missionary localization, Knowledge Transfer, Qiao-Yi of Global Knowledge

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