Sino-Christian Theology as a Test Case for Bonhoeffer's Religionless Christianity



“Religionless Christianity” is the term coined by Dietrich Bonhoeffer for describing an aspect of the “world come of age” and has aroused much discussion. This concept must in fact be interpreted from his Christological concern and be put into concrete life situation for perceiving its significance. Thus this article tries to test this term in the multi-religious Chinese “world come of age”. In the vein of the development of Sino-Christian theology movement, we see that the identity of “cultural Chris- tians” raises issues like that of “religionless worldly” Christians in Bonhoeffer’s writings and can be regarded as a good test case for the relevancy of his theology of sociality. Furthermore, as the Chinese cultural tradition has never made a cleavage between two realms between this world and the other, it also provides a very good dialogue partner for Bonhoeffer’s thought in face of the modern situation when “religious a priori” cannot be taken for granted.


Bonhoeffer, Religionless Christianity, Sino-Christian Theology, sociality, intersubjectivity

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