Reconciliation: XU Baoqian on the Relationship Between Christianity and Chinese Culture


Author: ZHAO Ting, PHD candidate, School of Political Science and Public Administration, Shandong University. LI Xiaochen, Professor, School of Marxism, Qingdao University of Science and Technology.


Managing the relationship between Christianity and Chinese culture relates not only to the survival of Christianity in China but also affects the exchanges between Chinese and other civilizations. Research into the life of Xu Baoqian shows him to be a devout Christian with a deep appreciation of traditional Chinese culture, dedicated to the integration of Christianity and Chinese culture. Xu affirmed the objectivity of the differences between Christianity and Chinese culture but was also convinced that there was no irreconcilable distance between the two and proposed practical ways promote the adaptation of Christianity to Chinese culture. This paper argues that although some of Xu Baoqian’s views are somewhat subjective, his analysis of the relationship between Christianity and Chinese culture, as well as his reconciliation of the contradictions, are valuable reference tools for the exchange and integration of heterogeneous cultures.


Xu Baoqian, Christianity, Chinese Culture, Reconciliation

Full Text (International Version):

ZHAO Ting, LI Xiaochen JSCC

Full Text (Simplified Chinese Version):

ZHAO Ting, LI Xiaochen JSCC