被钉十字架者张开的双臂 —论《排斥与拥抱》应归功于 《被钉十字架的上帝》之处


作者简介:米洛斯拉夫·沃弗,耶鲁大学亨利·赖特神学讲席教授,耶鲁信仰与 文化中心创始人兼主任。

Author: Miroslav VOLF, Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology; Founding Director of Yale Center for Faith & Culture, Yale University.

Email: miroslav.volf@yale.edu

Abstract: In this essay, I seek to honor Jürgen Moltmann’s work, The Crucified God, by noting its influence on my own work in Exclusion & Embrace. Taking up several areas where the two books might be read in contrast, I want to show that, while there are notable differences between them, these are, in some cases—for example, in the seemingly fundamental divergence of liberation vs. reconciliation—largely a matter of emphasis rather than of substance. In other cases, such as our understandings of the nature of the Trinity, the difference may run deeper, but Moltmann’s work was integral to my coming to hold the view that I do. Thus, even while my work has a shape of its own, it has been profoundly and vitally shaped by his.

Keywords: Jürgen Moltmann, The Crucified God, Exclusion and Embrace, reconciliation, identity, religion and violence

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