Editorial Foreword
Who is the Poor?
YANG Huilin
I. Dao Wu Chang Ming: Study of Theories and Classics
God and the Poor (pp. 2-21)
Ronald SIDER
Christian Obligations: "The Poor You Will Always Have With You" (pp. 35-57)
Christian theological views of poverty (pp. 22-34)
YANG Qingqiu
II. Hun Yuan Zhi Xing: Study of Christian Thinkers
The Political Theological Significance of "Freedom and Obedience" in Calvin's Institutes (pp. 98-130)
Li-Jen OU
Concern for the Poverty of the Future Generation- Sustainability and the Educational Implications of Dooyeweerd's Theory of Totality (pp. 79
"I Was Hungry and You Gave Me Food" (pp. 59-78)
Carver YU
III. Hua Tung Xuan Li: Study of Christianity, Society and Ethics
American Social Gospel and Its Impacts (pp. 147-159)
ZUO Furong
Religion and Psychology: Introductory Reflections (pp. 132-146)
Rodney J. HUNTER
Urban Protestant Church and Her Cultural Diversity (pp. 160-178)
LIU Shibo
IV. Fa Yu Shui Feng: Dialogue between Chinese Culture and Christianity
The Conception of Justice in the General Epistles of the New Testament (pp. 241-255)
Changping ZHA
Christian Ethics and Contemporary Spiritual Reconstruction (pp. 180-240)
WANG Weifan
Theological Education in Chinese Protestant Church (pp. 256-270)
KAN Baoping
V. Xin Ji Ming Gong:
Poverty in Hong Kong and the Response of the Church (pp. 272-286)
Bixia LI Carver YU