Editorial Foreword
Dialogue between Critical Theory and Theology
Jason LAM
I. Dao Wu Chang Ming: Study of Theories and Classics
Iwan Bloch: Theology of Hope (pp.93-122)
A Short Introduction to Eagleton's Theology (pp.148-159)
ZHANG Liangcong
Church Community As the Foundation of System for "Discouse Ethics" (pp.25-34)
Francis Schüssler FIORENZA
Adorno: The Critical Theology (pp.61-92)
ZHU Baoyuan
Neighbor and Other: A Critique of Ethical Violence (pp.123-147)
MA Yuanlong
Communicative Freedom and Negative Theology: Question for Michael Theunissen (pp.3-24)
Horkheimer: The Disciple of Hegel (pp.35-60)
II. Jing Guan Wu Se: Study of Christian Culture and Literature
The Metaphor of "the Infinite": Levinas on the Inspiration of Literature for Philosophy (pp.184-208)
LIU Wenjin
Nicolas Berdyaev's God-man Idea and the Problem of Chinese Spiritual Literature (pp.162-183)
LIU Guangyao
The Idea of a Christian Society in a Poet's Eyes: A Study of T. S. Eliot's Social Criticism (pp.225-236)
JIANG Yujiao
An Apology for Theodicy: Reconsideration of the Symbols in Moby-Dick (pp.209-224)
III. Fa Yu Shui Feng: Dialogue between Chinese Culture and Christianity
The Wisdom and the Religious Character of Dao in Daodejing -- a New Understanding of Daoist Philosophical Hermeneutics (pp.258-284)
JING Baolu
Is Dao the Guideword for Heidegger's Thinking? (pp.239-257)
MA Lin
IV. Shu Dian Fan Jing: Reviews and Introductions to New Books
Metaphor, Poetry and the Passion for the "Possible" -- Paul Ricoeur's Theology-Philosophy of Hope (pp.287-306)