Editorial Foreword
Addition and Substraction in the Trajectory of the Classics: A Case Study of the Chinese Translation of The Merchant of Venice
I.Fa Yu Shui Feng: Dialogue between Chinese Culture and Christianity
Moral Arguments for the Existence of God in Late Ming and Early Qing: Matteo Ricci's "Moral Ability as Institution" and His Appropriation of
JI Jianxun, Lecturer, School of Humanities and Communication, Shanghai Normal University
Cosmonogy in Michele Ruggieri's Tian Zhu Sheng Jiao Shi Lu: Interpretation, Response, and Inspiration
SUN Caixia, Associate Professor, Institute of Comparative Literature and Comparative Culture, Henan University
Extreme Income Disparity: Traditional Wisdom as Contemporary Counsel
David Lyle JEFFREY, Professor, University of Baylor University
On the Translation of the English Hymnal into Chinese in the 1920-30's
LIU Boyun, Lecturer, Beijing Language and Culture University; ZHU Shuai, Associate Researcher, China Art Research Institute
The Prohibition of Christianity during the Qing Dynasty and the Case of Wang Hui Severing Relations with Wu Li
LI Jierong, Lecturer, Department of Chinese, Guangdong University of Education
II. Dao Wu Chang Ming: Study of Theories and Classics
Revelation and Revolution: Friedrich Engels and the Apocalypse
Roland BOER, Research Professor, University of Newcastle, Australia
WU Leichuan and "Revolutionary Christianity"
CHIN Ken-pa, Professor, Fu Jen Catholic University
The Deconstruction of Myths and Persistence in the Excessive: The Specters of Christianity in Louis Althusser's Theory of Ideology
ZHOU Dan, Associate professor, Chinese Department, School of Humanities, Nanchang University
III. Jing Guan Wu Se: Study of Christian Culture and Literature
The Spiritual Foundation of Civil Society in Milton's Religio-Political Thought
ZHANG Sheng, Lecturer, School of Political Education, Sichuan Normal University
The Hidden Non-God: Theological Dimensions in Interpretations of Franz Kafka's The Castle
LEI Ayong, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China; Associate Professor, Foreign Language Department, Minjiang University
The Power of "Imagination": An Examination of Coleridge's Biographia Literaria
ZHANG Xin, Lecturer, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University
Christian Images and Allegorical Hermeneutics
YANG Daosheng, Professor, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
IV. He Er Bu Tong: Academic Debate and Responses
Trans-ferring, Con-versing and Be-coming: Review of the 2013-2014 Beijing-Scottish Seminar
WANG Hai, Lecturer, Renmin University of China, Beijing