Editorial Foreword
How Should "Ultimate Ends" and "Conviction" Respond to "Responsibility"?
I. Hua Tong Xuan Li: Study of Christanity Society and Efhics
Universalism and Human Goods: the Possibilities and Limits of Ethicsx
Robin W. LOVIN, Senior Research Fellow, Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton University
The Catholic Church Hierarchy from the Perspective of the Laity
ZONG Xiaolan, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Shaanxi Normal University
A Trinitarian Reading of the Catholic Social Teaching after Vatican II
LI Bingquan, Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China
Beyond Geopolitics: The Catholic Church among Refugees as Reflected in Pope Francis' Words and Deeds in 2016
TAN Lizhu, Director, Center for Theology Studies of the Chinese Catholic Church
"The World Should not Fear China's Rise": An Interview with Pope Francis
Francesco Sisci, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Euripean Studies, Renmin University of China
II. Hun Yuan Zhi Xing: Study of Christian Thinkers
"Humanity is the Second God": on Nikolaus von Cusa's Orientation of the Human Spirit
LI Hua, Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi'an University of Posts- and Telecommunications
R. S. Sugirtharajah's Contribution to Postcolonial Biblical Criticism and its Hermeneutical Discourse Construction
ZHANG Chun, PhD. Candidate, School of Humanities, Zhejiang University; Lecturer, College of Foreign Languages, Guizhou University.
Rethinking the Inception and Development of John Hick's Philosophy of Religion in the First and Second Editions of His Faith and Knowledge
Yen-Yi LEE, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, National Taichung University of Education
III. Fa Yu Shui Feng: Dialogue between Chinese Culture and Christianity
Searching for the "God's" Compassion: Review on the History of "the Dialogue" between Mozi and Jesus
CHU Lijuan, Postdoctor, the Institute for Global History, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Introduction of "Idyllic" Style and Modern Poetry in China: Xu Dishan's Translation of the Song of Songs and Its Effect
MA Yuelan, Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Hebei Normal University REN Dongsheng, Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Ocean University of China
IV. Qing Ji Ming Gong: Academic Developments and Researeh Updates
Rethinking Universalism: Review of the 12th Summer Institute on Theology and the Humanities
ZHANG Hua, Professor, Beijing Language & Culture University
The Future of China from the Perspective of Christianity and Confucianism: A Reflection on Shandong University Forum of "Whither China?"
LIN Xiaobin, Ph.D. Candidate, the Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies of Shandong University XIE Wenyu, Professor, the Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies of Shandong University
Can Dialogue Really Produce a Dual Perspective? Comments on the Forum "Contemporary Chinese Social Development and Christian- Confucian Dial
ZHU Cuifeng, Associate Research Fellow, Department of Literature, Sun Yat-Sen University (Zhuhai Campus) XIE Wenyu, Professor, the Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies of Shandong University Abstract: