Editorial Foreword
How "L'écart" Challenges and Reshapes the "Universal" (Chinese)
How "L'écart" Challenges and Reshapes the "Universal" (English)
I. Dao Wu Chang Ming: Study of Theories and Classics
Christian Universalism
Kevin HART, Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia
Revisiting the Tower of Babel and Listening to the Different Voices in the Text
Archie C. C. LEE, Distinguished Professor, Center of Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies, Shandong University
Maurice Blanchot’s Poetics of Separation
WANG Hai, Associate Professor at School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China
Aesthetic Distance from Reality: Hans Blumenberg’s Reading of J. S. Bach’s Matthäuspassion
Hu Jihua, Professor, The Institute for Transcultural Studies, Beijing International Studies University
II. Hun Yuan Zhi Xing: Study of Christian Thinkers
On the Connotation and Function of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza’s “Kyriarchy”
SONG Xuhong, Professor, School of Literature Journalism and Communnication, Minzu University of China
Biblical Studies in light of Paul Ricoeur’s Narrative Theory
ZHANG Zhaoyang, Ph. D. Candidate, School of Humanities, Zhejiang University
III. Hua Tong Xuan Li: Study of Christanity Society and Ethics
Polycentric Structures in the History of World Christianity
Klaus KOSCHORKE, the Faculty for Protestant Theology, the University of Munich
The Parable of the Great Banquet (Luke 14:15-24) and Greco-Roman Banquet Rituals and Values
YANG Yan, Lecturer, College of Liberal Arts, Sun Yat-sen University
“Assyrian” or “Aramean”: The Ethnic Identity of Syriac Christians
LIU Boyun, Lecturer at School of Translation and Interpreting, Beijing Language and Culture University
IV. Jing Guan Wu Se: Study of Christian Culture and Literature
Richard Wilbur: Greatest American Poet of the Last Half-Century
David Lyle JEFFREY, Distinguished Professor of Literature and the Humanities,Baylor University
From Vernacular Version to Easy Wenli Version: A Comparison of Two Versions of Song of Songs Translated by S. I. J. Schereschewsky
LIU Yan, Professor, The Institute of Transcultural Studies, Beijing International Studies University
IV. Qing Ji Ming Gong: Academic Debate and Responses
Exiting our Current Moral Predicament: An analysis of the Renmin Forum on “Dialogue between Confucia and Christian Ethics”
YANG Xuemei, Lecturer, School of Maxism Studies, Nanyang Normal University XIE Wenyu, Professor, Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies of Shandong University
Literature, Arts and Religions in a Post-Secular Horizon: Review of the 13th Summer Institute on Theology and Humanities
ZHAO Jing, Assistant Professor, School of Libral Arts, Renmin University of China