Editorial Foreword
Between Tian and Humankind: A Reflection on Confucian-Christian Dialogue (Chinese)
Between Tian and Humankind: A Reflection on Confucian-Christian Dialogue (English)
I. Fa Yu Shui Feng: Dialogue between Chinese Culture and Christianity
Tian, Tian-ming and Tian-dao: "Reason" and "Faith" in Early Chinese Thought
GAN Chunsong, Professor, School of Philosophy, Pekin University
Transcendence and Knowability of the Unsublatable: Van Til and Hegel on the Concrete Universal
Shao kai TSENG, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Zhejiang University
Taking Confucian Religiousness on Its Own Terms
Roger T. Ames, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Pekin University; Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii
All Are My Kin and Bound Together
LIN Hong-Hsin, Professor, Taiwan Graduate School of Theology
II. Jing Guan Wu Se:Study of Christian Culture and Literature
Pilate and Jesus
Giorgio Agamben, Italian philosopher
An Annotated Reading of Agamben's "K"
Giorgio Agamben, Italian philosopher; ZENG Yanbing, Professor, School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China
The Compilation and Incorporation of the "Blessing of Moses": A Reading of Deuteronomy Chapter 33
MO Zhengyi, Associated Professor, College of English, Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages
III. Hun Yuan Zhi Xing: Study of Christian Thinkers
Religion as Faith: A Study of Barth's Religious Understanding in His Liberal Theological Phase
ZHENG Jialu, PhD Candidate, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China
The Task of Theology: The Word of God or Nature? A Reflection on the Disputation over "Natural Theology" between Barth and Brunner
ZHOU Xiaolong, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Philosophy, Tübingen University
The Dual Dialectics of Thought and Being: On Hegel's Proof of God's Existence
XIONG Jingzhi, Lecture, School of Maxism, Chengdu University of Information Technology
IV. Fa Liu Shi Dao: Study of Chinese Historical Records on Christianity
Words and Sentences in the Dunhuang Nestorianism Transcripts
XIANG Bingguang, Assistant Researcher, Institue of Contemporary Religions, Shandong Academy of Social Sciences