Editorial Foreword
The Origin and Extension of Concerns on the “Ultimate” (Chinese)
The Origin and Extension of Concerns on the “Ultimate” (English)
YANG Huilin
I. Jing Guan Wu Se: Study of Christian Culture and Literature
Secularism as the Will of God: Horace Kallen’s “Hebraic” Understanding of Pluralism as an Ultimate Concern
Repentance and Ultimacy in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick
[USA] Sharon KIM
Duty, Destiny and The Way of the Good Man
Wisdom and Folly: Classical Philology and English Literature after the Reformation
[USA] David Lyle JEFFREY
II. Hun Yuan Zhi Xing: Study of Christian Thinkers
How Reformatory Was the Reformation?
[Germany] Volker LEPPIN
On Martin Luther’s View on Justification
Zong Min Huang Ding
III. Dao Wu Chang Ming: Study of Theories and Classics
The Career of the Logos: A Brief Biography
Image “Rod” in the Hebrew Bible: Literary Forms, Symbolic Function and Cultural Memory
A Dynamic Analysis of the Production of Gospel Texts
HOU Chunlin
IV. Hua Tong Xuan Li: Study of Christianity,Society and Ethics
To Kill and Survive or To Die and Become: The Active Life and the Contemplative Life as Ways of Being Adult
Robert Nelly Bellah
Renaissance Magic: Contemplation or Operation? ——A Perspective of Yates Thesis from Pico Mirandola's Magic Theory
WU Gongqing
Studies on Sallie McFague’s Organic Model: The World as the Body of God
HE Guijuan
V. Qing Ji Ming Gong: Academic Debate and Responses
The Tension between Religion and Economy: A Review of the Forum of Christian-Confucian Dialogue Based on Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of
Impact, Interaction and Inculturation: A Review of the “Christianity in the Chinese Society” 2018 Conference
[Italy] Monica ROMANO