Editorial Foreword
The Rhetoric of Icons: From Image to Voice
I. Hun Yuan Zhi Xing: Study of Christian Thinkers
The Concept of Form in Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theological Aesthetics Author:ZHANG Jun, Associate Professor, Shaanxi Normal University; Pos
ZHANG Jun, Associate Professor, Shaanxi Normal University; Postdoctoral Researcher, Fudan University
Metaphysics in the Era of the Image: Marion on Image, Idol and Icon
LI Bingquan, Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China
Weil on the Beauty of World
GE Tibiao, Lecturer, Ningbo University.
II. Dao Wu Chang Ming: Study of Theories and Classics
The Issue of Time in the Narrative of the Synoptic
PENG Lei, Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China
Luke's Response to the Lack of Almsgiving Culture in the Roman Empire: "The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus" (Luke 16:19-31) and Luke's
YANG Yan, Ph.D Candidate, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Scholar-in-Residence, Sun Yat-sen University
III. Fa Yu Shui Feng: Dialogue between Chinese Culture and Christianity
The Inculturation of Chinese Christian Arts in the Republic of China
CHU Xiaobai, Associate Professor, Shanghai East China Normal University
The Western "Other" in Eastern Writings: The Response of Dongwu Literati in the Early and Mid Qing (Part I)
LIU Yunhua, Professor and Director of the Center of Comparative Literature and World Litrature, College of Humanities and Communications, Shanghai Normal University. Abstract:
Rereading and Re-contextualizing Wu Li's "Songs to the Holy Mother" from Tianyue Zhengyin Pu
HONG Lixing, Assistant Research Fellow, Fu Jen Academia Catholica, Fu Jen Catholic University
IV. Jing Guan Wu Se: Study of Christian Culture and Literature
Dante and Chaucer on "The Sermon on the Mount"
David JEFFREY, Professor of Literature and Humanities, Baylor University, USA
The Ambiguity of Faith and the Absence of Redemption: A Reading of Lu Xun's "New Year's Blessings' in the Light of the Gospels
GU Yue, Lecturer, Shanghai International Studies University
V. Qing Ji Ming Gong: Academic Development and Research Updates
Liberal Arts, Classical Studies and Theology: Review of the 8th Summer Institute on Theology and Humanities
CHEN Xu, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China