Editorial Foreword
A Model of “Creating by Returning to the Original”: Rethinking Karl Barth’s Theology in a Chinese Context (Chinese)
A Model of “Creating by Returning to the Original”: Rethinking Karl Barth’s Theology in a Chinese Context (English)
I. Hun Yuan Zhi Xing: Study of Christian Thinkers
Neither Yes Nor No: A Mahayana Buddhist Interpretation of Barth’s Discourses on Universal Salvation
LAI Pan-chiu, Professor, Department of Cultural & Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Rationality and Warrant of the Word of God: Supplementary Views from Reformed Episemology on Barth’s Biblical Exegesis
LI Jin, PhD Candidate, Calvin Theological Seminary; MA Li, Senior Fellow, Henry Institute, Calvin College
Union in Christ: Rethinking Barth’s Christology
ZHANG Shaobo, Lecturer, School of Marxism, Northwest University
A Preliminary Study on Socialist Thought in Barth’s Theology of Early Stage
LI Zhixiong (Robert C. LI), Professor, College of Literature and Journalism, Xiangtan University
Before T.C. Chao: A Contribution to Barth’s early Reception in China
YANG Junjie, Associate Professor, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Nomal University
Karl Barth: Comments of the Evangelicals
G. Wright DOYLE, Director, Global China Center
II. Jing Guan Wu Se:Study of Christian Culture and Literature
A Cultural Poetic Interpretation of Wife-Sister Stories in Genesis
HUANG Hangxi, Ph. D. Candidate, School of Literature, Nankai University
Milton’s Art of Logic as an Art of Poetry: A Rhetorical Reading of Paradise Lost, Book 2
Phillip J. DONNELLY, Associate Professor of Literature, Baylor University
Citadel of the God(s) or Satan’s Throne: The Image of the Divine at the Great Altar of Pergamon between Ruler Religion and Apocalyptic Count
Brigitte KAHL, Professor of New Testament Union Theological Seminary
III. Hua Tong Xuan Li: Study of Christanity Society and Ethics
Contemporary Christian Theologies of Homosexuality: A Typology
GAO Zhe, Interdisciplinary Senior Lecturer in Religion and Translation, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Stirling
Analysies of Social Services of the Tianjin YMCA: A Case Study of “Mass Wedding”
ZHAO Tianlu, Postdoctoral Fellow, Assistant Researcher, School of Marxism, Tsinghua University
IV. Qing Ji Ming Gong: Academic Debate and Responses
Life before the last things:The Dostoyevsky-reception in the early works of Karl Barth and Eduard
HONG Liang, Assitant Professor, China Graduate School of Theology, Adjunct Researcher, Hong Kong Institute of Sino-Christian Studies.